Traditional Clothes and Jewelry of Surkhandarya Oasis
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Jinjak is a type of yantak.
Kuloh doppi - an elongated hat with a conical top.
Said Otaliq madrasah was built in the 16th century on the territory of Denau district of the oasis. In the early twentieth century, before the October coup, about 400 students were educated in madrassas. Tursunov S.N. Study of the history of Surkhandarya region. Tashkent, 1997.B. 43-44; Team of authors. Surxondaryo.Tashkent, 1996. B. 172-173; Arshavskaya Z.A., Rtveladze E.V., Xakimov Z.A. Srednevekovye pamyatniki Surkhandari. Tashkent, 1982. p. 67-68.
Sarka - cut (cast) goat.
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The Kashkadarya Arabs also had such a shirt for breastfeeding. Ismailov X. Traditsionnaya odejda arabov Kashkadarinskoy oblasti Uzbekskoy SSR // Kostyum narodov Sredney Azii. –M., 1979. p. 234.
The Kyrgyz also had shoe-like shoes called "chakay". Antipina K.I. Features of material culture and applied art of southern Kyrgyzstan. Frunze: Akademiya nauk KirgSSR, 1962. p. 230.
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