Violation of Traffic Signaling Equipment by Road Users (A Research in the Ternate City Police Legal Area in Ternate City)
This study aims (1) to determine the application of criminal sanctions to violations of traffic signaling devices (TST) based on Law No. 22 of 2009 in the City of Ternate. (2) what are the factors that influence the imposition of sanctions for violations of traffic signaling devices as seen from Law Number 22 of 2009. This research was conducted in the jurisdiction of the City of Ternate. The type of research used is empirical, namely research using an approach model by looking at the legal reality in society. In this study, the authors conducted interviews with the Satlantas Polres Kota Ternate and also made direct observations in the field and also distributed questionnaires. This study uses qualitative and quantitative analysis techniques. The results showed that the application of sanctions for violations of TST in Ternate City in accordance with Law No. 22 of 2009 concerning Road Traffic and Transportation has not been effectively implemented in Ternate City because every year there is an increasing number of TST violations. In the application of sanctions for traffic violations, a mature concept is needed and can be used properly so that the implementation of sanctions carried out can run in accordance with the applicable law, the concepts used are traffic management, traffic control activities and traffic control activities. presumably can help in the application of sanctions for violators so that it can create comfort in traffic. In the application of APIIL criminal sanctions in Ternate City, there are factors that influence the application of sanctions against TST violations in Ternate City, namely, law enforcement factors, community legal awareness factors are still weak to comply with TST, facilities and facilities factors and disciplined cultural factors from motorized vehicle drivers. which is still very lacking.
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