The Effect of Principal's Transformational Leadership on Increasing Teacher Professionalism
Transformational leadership is a process to change and transform someone to change and improve professionalism for the future. The purpose of this research is to find out: 1). Components of transformational leadership in transformational improvement, 2). The urgency of transformational leadership in increasing teacher professionalism, 3). Supporting and inhibiting factors of the principal's transformational leadership in improving teacher professionalism. The methodology of this research is descriptive with a qualitative approach. The results of the study are as follows: 1). The implementation of the principal's leadership component in improving teacher professionalism is carried out by giving influence, motivation, guidance to teachers, 2). The urgency of the principal's transformational leadership in improving teacher professionalism is to carry out coaching activities to improve teacher professionalism, 3). Factors that support the transformational leadership of madrasah principals in increasing teacher professionalism are the existence of adequate facilities and giving awards or rewards to teachers, and 4). The factor that hinders transformational leadership in improving teacher professionalism is that there are still teachers who do not take the time to attend teacher training or coaching.
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