The Reinforcement of Dharma Gita Bali Values in Historical Learning to Improve Student’s Tolerace Attitude
Dharma Gita is the hymn of truth that consist of the order of values, religion, obligations, laws, morality, and beliefs of the Balinese society. Dharma Gita can be categorized as the local wisdom that exist and flourish from the past to present times in the religious ceremony of Hindu Bali. In order to improve the student’ tolerance attitude, the values of Dharma Gita should be integrated with the historical learning. The elaboration between Dharma Gita values in the historical learning produces the meaningful character education for the students. This research aims to integrate the local values into the model of historical learning based on the Contextual Teaching and Learning (CTL) learning approach. In the authors’ perspective, the CTL is appropriate with the objective of learning to improve the student’s tolerance attitude. It is because the learning model could create the reflective thinking that gives a contribution to the formation of the student’s character.
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