The Relationship between Scientific Approach and Science Teacher Interpersonal Interaction with Student Learning Outcomes in Junior High School
Student learning outcomes are influenced by many factors. Two of those factors are learning approach and teacher interpersonal interaction. This research aimed to analyze the correlation of scientific approach and teacher interpersonal interaction with science learning outcomes in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities. This research was a correlational study. The subjects of this research were 96 students in eight grade and a science teacher at Nine Junior High School of Semarang. Data was collected using scientific approach questionnaire, Questionnaire on Teacher Interaction (QTI) in Australian Version, the observation sheet, and documentation sheets of learning tools and student learning outcomes. The results of correlation and regression test showed that there was a correlation between scientific approach and science teacher interpersonal interaction with science learning outcomes in cognitive as indicated by 0.713 correlation coefficient (r) and 0.509 determination coefficient (r2), psychomotor as indicated by r= 0.703 and r2= 0.495 and affective as indicated by r= 0.649 and r2= 0.412. From these results, it could be concluded that there was a strong and positive correlation between the scientific approach and science teacher interpersonal interaction with student learning outcomes in cognitive, affective, and psychomotor abilities.
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