Utilization of Information Technology and Interest in Using and Learning Style on Readiness for Change of Leadership Training Participants in the State Administration Institution of Samarinda
This study aims to prove the effect of expectations using information technology, learning styles on interest in using information technology, and readiness for change in training for State Civil Apparatus at the State Administrative Institution (LAN) in Samarinda. The results of the analysis conclude from the data of 167 research samples using the WarpPLS program that expectations of using information technology and learning styles have a positive and significant effect on interest in using information technology, as well as expectations of using information technology and interest in using information technology on readiness for change. However, the learning style has a negative and significant effect on readiness for change. The results of this study conclude that the more you apply the conventional face-to-face learning style, the lower the readiness for change. conceptual material training is carried out online (online) while the practical one is carried out offline.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i12.3249
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