Application Values of Character Education in the Modern Pesantren System and Culture (Study at Pondok Pesantren Modern Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Medan)
Pondok pesantren today can be said to be the most ideal and potential educational institution in fostering a character that is loaded with education values both religious values and the noble values of the nation. The importance of this research is to find different strategies or patterns that can be used as a reference for the development of character education models for formal schools. This research uses qualitative methods that are descriptive with a research site, namely Modern Pesantren Ar-Raudhatul Hasanah Medan. The results showed that character education in Ar-Raudlatul Hasanah Medan boarding school was carried out systemically-integratively. All center activities from waking up in the morning to going back to sleep at night accumulate in pesantren systems and cultures based on the values of Panca Jiwa, Motto, and Philosophy of Pesantren. The strategy of implementing character education is through integration into kmi curriculum learning activities, the formation of pesantren culture/ culture, and extracurricular activities. The methods carried out are direction, transparency, assignment, training, habituation, discipline, appreciation and punishment.
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