Student Perceptions of Online Learning During the Covid-19 Pandemic
Online lectures are considered the best solution for lecture activities during the Covid-19 pandemic. The obstacle for online students is the difficulty of the network. The purpose of this study was to determine the tendency of students' perceptions of online lectures. This type of research is descriptive qualitative. The sampling technique was purposive sampling totaled 86 people. Data collection techniques by distributing questionnaires. The results show that the statement "online lectures can be accessed easily because of the support of the internet network" received an agree response; the statement "online lectures make it easier for students to understand the material" obtains an agreed response; the statement “the material presented online is in accordance with the lecture contract” obtaining an agreed response; the statement “students can submit questions and rebuttals during online lectures easily” obtains an agreed response; the statement "easiness in sending assignments" obtains an agreed response; the statement "lectures are carried out on time and according to schedule" received a strongly agree response; the statement "the lecturer responds to questions that arise during online lectures" obtains an agreed response; the statement “the lecturer always accompanies the online learning until it is finished” obtains a strongly agree response; the statement “the lecturer explains the directions and goals in each online learning” received a response of 48.84% agreeing; the statement "online lectures increase understanding of theory and skills" received an agree response.
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