About Formation of Agrarian Clusters in Uzbekistan
Currently, for Uzbekistan, the issue of transferring the economy of the country and its regions to an innovative path of development is urgent. An important aspect in creating an innovative economy at the regional level is the formation of a cluster model for its development. The globalization of the agrarian economy demanded a search for new directions for the efficiency of agricultural production in Uzbekistan. The formation of clusters in the economies of many developed countries took place in an evolutionary way based on the emerging relationships between business entities. One of these areas is the formation of fruit-bearing clusters. The article examines the formation of fruit and vegetable clusters in Uzbekistan. The indicators of the area of land, production, processing, storage, sale of fruit and vegetable clusters operating in the regions are analyzed. The area of land and production indicators in the directions of the formation of fruit and vegetable clusters in the regions are analyzed. Conclusions and recommendations were developed on the basis of the conducted research.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i11.3222
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