Reactualize the Role and Function of Mosque in Developing the Education of Ummah: Study in East Lombok West Nusa Tenggara Province
The mosque as a "Center of Excellence" has multiple functions, not only used as the center of worship but also as the starting point of the rise of the ummah (Muslim people). The mosque was used as a social activity, education center, da’wa, government, and economy. It was because that the mosque has been embedded in social life since the early years of Islam. This study was focused to describe and identify the role and function of the mosque in developing education of the ummah in east Lombok West Nusa Tenggara province. The study used the qualitative-descriptive method by using a phenomenological approach. The data was described into primary and secondary data sources. The techniques to collect the data were carried out by observation, interview, and documentation. The data was analyzed logically, systematically through the collection, reduction, presentation, and drawing of conclusions. The results of this study found that the function and role of the mosque in developing the education of the ummah in east Lombok Regency West Nusa Tenggara province was not only used as the center of worship but also as a means of education, social activities, da'wah (Islamic teaching), economic, cultural and other socio-religious activities. These functions and roles were expected to be the center of social activities and coaching the ummah, to improve the religiosity of the ummah, attitudes, morals, mentality, science, and education, and work ethic.
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