Application of Semantic Statements of 'Uqūq al-Wālidayn (Disobedience to Parents) from the Perspective of Qur’an and Hadith
‘Uqūq al-Wālidayn is one of the most important moral issues and includes any kind of resentment, harassment and opposition to parents, except in the case of polytheism. In this case, too, the ultimate gentleness and humility towards the parents must be done. ‘Uqūq al-Wālidayn and in contrast obedience to the parents is of great importance in the Islamic value system; because many verses and narrations, directly or indirectly, deal with the issue of ‘Uqūq al-Wālidayn. This research was conducted with the aim of making families, especially young people and adolescents, more aware of the importance of respect for parents and what consequences will befall them if they disobey their parents. The research method in this paper is descriptive-analytical. It became clear that any disobedience to the parents that leads to their resentment is considered a part of ‘Uqūq al-Wālidayn. The least verbal disrespect is to tell ugh to the parents and the least non-verbal disrespect is to stare at them, and the most disrespect and sin is to kill the parents. In this research, the verbal examples of ‘Uqūq al-Wālidayn have been studied.
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