Job Satisfaction's Effect on the Performance of Regional Office Employees of the East Kalimantan Province's Ministry of Religion with Moderating Variable Motivation
The role of employees as bureaucratic apparatus is vital to achieving its goals optimally with employees who feel satisfaction and motivation to achieve organizational goals. In general, the government bureaucracy has not been effective in carrying out its duties and functions, running slowly, not proportionally and professionally. Another cause of the low performance of civil servants in Indonesia is the lengthy bureaucratic system in civil service organizations. The Regional Office of the Ministry of Religion of East Kalimantan Province, in the process of serving the community, realizes the importance of employee motivation and satisfaction, which is the basis as well as the encouragement for employee attitudes and behavior in carrying out activities and work in their respective work units. This research was conducted with the aim of obtaining empirical evidence of the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance, employee motivation on employee performance, and the effect of motivation as a moderating variable in job satisfaction and employee performance. The population of this research is a number of civil servants as many as 107 employees because the number is relatively small; the sampling method used is the saturated sampling method or census in this study using the SmartPLS analysis tool. The results of the analysis test on existing data, it was found that the effect of job satisfaction on employee performance showed a positive and significant direction, the effect of work motivation on employee performance showed a significant and positive relationship. Meanwhile, the influence of motivation which moderates job satisfaction and employee performance, is significant and shows a negative relationship.
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