The Influence of Attitude (ATTD), Subjective Norm (SN), Perceived Behavioral Control (PBC), And Self-Efficacy (SE) on Purchase Intentions (INT) And Behavior (BHV) Using E-Commerce
This research aims to determine the influence of ATTD, SN, PBC, and SE on INT. This research also aims to determine the effect of INT on BHV. This study model-based on the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) with the addition of SE as an independent variable indicated influencing INT and BHV. The population of this study is people who will make purchases using e-commerce, who live in 10 districts/cities in West Nusa Tenggara Province. This research recruits one hundred respondents using the purposive sampling technique. Due to the limited number of samples, this study considered analysis using SEM Analysis with the help of the Smart-PLS Program. The results showed a positive and significant influence of ATTD, PBC, and SE on INT. It also showed a positive and significant influence of INT towards BHVin the Province of West Nusa Tenggara. However, the SN variable does not have a significant effect on the INT. This study contributes to the TPB in the context of purchasing behavior using e-commerce and the managerial issues of online marketing.
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