The Analysis of the History Learning Model Based on the Great Mosque Nur Sulaiman Banyumas In SMA Negeri Baturraden

Suci Rahayu, Sariyatun Sariyatun, Leo Agung


This study describes the role of the use of learning models which applied to students through historical materials of the Great Mosque Nur Sulaiman in Banyumas toward students' learning outcomes. Using qualitative description research here,the researchers described what learning needs to be met by teacher in achieving the maximum learning process. In addition, the use of learning models which applied in the classroom, especially related to the historical material of the Great Mosque of Nur Sulaiman, it was able to be used to foster students' tolerance attitude. In the process of learning, the teacher described the history of the Great Mosque Nur Sulaiman, which in this case, it was also part of local history that exist in Banyumas. Therefore, from this description, which associated with the learning model, it gave students an understanding about the importance of local history in the process of improving students' tolerance attitude.


Learning Model; History of Nur Sulaiman Great Mosque; Aculturation Value

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Dra. Yulianti Nurasih Kadartinah (History Teacher of Batturaden State Senior High Schoo)

Fahmi Al Assari S.Pd (History Teacher of Batturaden State Senior High Schoo)



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