Implementation of the Transition of the Notary Protocol Who Died Based on the Notary Position Law (Case Study in Pariaman)

Tiffani Putri Amalina, Azmi Fendri, Delfiyanti Delfiyanti


Notary is as an oficial authorized to make an authentic deed, as provided in Article 15 of Law No. 2 of 2014 on Amendments to Law No. 30 of 2004 on the Notary. When a notary passes away, the position as notary ends, but the deed he has made will remain recognized forever and to maintain the continuity of the protocol his responsibility is attached for life to the deed he made while he still an active notary. If it is linked to Article 62 of the UUJN, the Article explains that one of the reasons for submitting the Notary Protocol is a notary public who has passed away. The problem, namely 1.How is the process of submitting a notary protocol based on the law of the notary department 2. How is the protocol transfer that does not comply with the rules of the legislation? Methods used in this research is an empirical juridical approach, an approach to a problem that is through research by seeing applicable norms or provisions. Based on the research result, the heirs of the dead notary was responsible for submitting the notary protocol to the tribunal regional inspectorate. Thus by transferring the notary protocol to a notary can provide a wider scope of the parties in searching the legal certainty.


Notary; Notary Protocol; Heirs

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