Jurisprudential and Legal Analysis of Criminal's Satisfaction in Article 384 of the Islamic Penal Code enacted in 1392 HS
Legislation is very serious and precise, especially where a human soul is involved. According to Article 384 of the Islamic Penal Code; if one person intentionally kills two or more people and the blood avengers of all the slain want Qiṣāṣ, the murderer will be retaliated without paying Diya. If the blood avengers of some of the victims want Qiṣāṣ and the blood avengers of the victim or other victims want blood money, if the murderer agrees to pay them blood money in exchange for their Qiṣāṣ, their blood money will be paid from the murderer's property and without the murderer's consent, they do not have the right to take blood money from him or his property. The point to consider in this legal article is that the payment of Diya from the property of the criminal to the victim is bound to the consent of the criminal. The basis of this opinion of the legislator is the opinion of some jurists. The present article in a descriptive-analytical research, with a problem-oriented view, follows the legal study of criminal’s satisfaction in this legal article and the analysis and critique of its jurisprudential principles. One of the most important findings of the study is that the discussion of criminal’s satisfaction in Article 384 of the Islamic Penal Code needs to be reviewed and revised by the legislator because it is incompatible with the rule of justice, the rule of “The blood of Muslim is not wasted”, the rule of obligation to save lives and other jurisprudential rules.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i12.3145
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