Social and Environmental Responsibility of Tidore ESPP to the Community of Tidore City Village, Tidore Islands
This study aims to (1) determine the implementation of social and environmental responsibility of ESPP Tidore to the community in the rum village (2) to determine the factors that influence the implementation of social and environmental responsibility of ESPP Tidore to the community of Rum City of Tidore Islands. The results showed that the Tidore ESPP was operated in mid 2017. After that, it was inaugurated by the Government in August 2016, until entering 2021 only 4 programs were implemented. Even though it has been in operation for 5 years. This indicates unpreparedness in the planning of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) programs and obstacles regarding the Technical component of Electric Steam Power Plant (ESPP) Operation. Distribution of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) and even then because it considers the pressure from the community for the sake of improving communication in the business climate, in addition to obligations that are regulated based on existing regulations.
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