Analysis of the Influence of Brand Experience and Customer Satisfaction on Brand Loyalty and Its Implications for Willingness to Pay a Price Premium (Study on Herbalife Product Nutrition Customer in East Lombok, West Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia)
This research aims to find out how Brand Loyalty is affected by Brand Experience, how Brand Loyalty is affected by Customer Satisfaction, how Brand Loyalty is affected by Brand Experience through Customer Satisfaction, how Brand Loyalty affects willingness to pay a premium price. The type of research used is quantitative research with causal methods. The population in this study is Herbalife product consumers in East Lombok, with an unknown population. The number of samples taken as many as 100 people, determination of samples with purposive sampling techniques, and data analysis using PLS analysis with SmartPLS application version 3.0. The results showed that all hypotheses proposed in this study were acceptable and positively and significantly influenced. Customer Satisfaction variables can be a good mediation of brand experience and brand loyalty.
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