Developing a Module of Training Application for Assessing Curriculum 2013

Ahmad Zulinto, Rosma Fitriya, Muhammad Kristiawan


This study started from the preliminary study that teachers have difficulty in filling out report cards based on appraisal of curriculum 2013; each teacher has different speeds and abilities in understanding the use of the curriculum 2013 assessment application; some teachers still have difficulties understanding the guidelines on applying the curriculum 2013 appraisal even after previous training; most teachers at SD Negeri 62 and SD Negeri 49 Palembang are senior teachers who have had decades of teaching experience and during that time they have difficulty relinquishing habits using traditional paper-based judgments; and the need for instruments that help and facilitate teachers in understanding how to conduct assessments on curriculum 2013. The purpose of this study was to develop a module that will be used in training which valid, practical and effective. This research was research and development by using ADDIE model. Sampling technique in this research used Nonprobability sampling technique that is saturated sample or total sampling. Thus, the sample in this study were all teachers in SD Negeri 49 and SD Negeri 62 Palembang which consist of 20 persons. The total are 40 persons as sample trials to see the impact of the use of this module on teacher skills in applying the assessment application of curriculum 2013. The results in this study concluded that this module successfully developed and declared valid, practical and effective.


Module; Training; Application; Assessing Curriculum 2013

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