The Role of Teachers in Fostering Religious Multiculturalism
Conflicts that occur in the school environment as the dynamics of a multicultural society. Shaping the character of students' multicultural education is the main responsibility of a teacher. The objectives of the study are 1) To find and explain the role of Islamic Religious Education teachers in fostering religious attitudes in multicultural society in schools; 2) To find, understand, and explain the strategy of Islamic Education teachers in implementing multicultural values in schools; 3) To find, understand, and explain what are the obstacles faced by Islamic Religious Education teachers in implementing multicultural education in schools. This research is qualitative descriptive analysis with depth interview method. Data were obtained from interviews with 25 teachers from various subject areas at Cirebon 2 State High School, West Java, Indonesia. The positive role of the teacher can be seen in the attitude of fostering religious awareness and multicultural attitudes in schools by providing religious lessons. The strategy of Islamic religious education teachers in growing religious multiculturalism through sustainable character education learning. The obstacles faced by some education teachers are religious fanaticism, teachers cannot control the implementation of daily interactions and different levels of student awareness.
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