Comparative Analysis of Staretegi Traditional Market and Modern Markets of Consumer Valuation

Yusmalina Yusmalina, Tegor Tegor, Fauzan Haqiqi, Restu Ezra Rosady, Novi Azura


The research method used in this research is the quantitative analysis method. While the sample used in the study was as many as 20 respondents, who shopped at The Puan Maimun market in Karimun Regency and some who shopped in minimarkets around the market. The data source that will be utilized in this study is primary data. Secondary data used is written sources such as book sources, scientific magazines, and documents. From the results of analysis and discussion of Comparative Analysis obtained Test Statistics and obtained chi-square value of 6,905 greater than the value of χ² table which is 5,991 so that the hypothesis answered with the acceptance of Ha, and Ho was rejected. This shows that there are differences between traditional and modern markets over consumers' assessments of marketing strategies. Tests taken based on probability values are by comparing significant values (sig) with significant levels (α), from the test statistics table obtained a significant value (sig) of 0.035, so that a significant value of 0.035 < 0.05, so that Ho is rejected, meaning it will be concluded that there is a difference between traditional markets and modern markets in terms of price, product, place and marketing.


Traditional; Market; Consumer; Strategy; Revenue

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