Communication Network on the Centrality of Prostitution Actors on Twitter
The COVID-19 pandemic does not weaken commercial sex workers (CSWs) in carrying out their activities. They form new networks of sex workers on social media. The existence of social media makes it easier for commercial sex workers (CSWs) to form new groups and sub-groups to communicate between them. Responding to this phenomenon, it is necessary for researchers to analyze the communication network used by commercial sex workers (CSWs) based on Social Network Theory. In addition, researchers also explore the use of words and language as well as interactions in the expansion of network formation using the explanatory sequential mixed-method design. The results of the study show that commercial sex workers (CSWs) can do massive network expansion through social media which already has a very wide network. In addition, online prostitution on Twitter has spread to all cities on the island of Java and the network can even extend to outside Java. It is undeniable that the motive for trading sex services online is an economic necessity.
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