Examining the Concept of "Tawaffī", "Mawt" and "Rajʽa" in the Qur'an and Answering Some Doubts about Rajʽa

Parvaneh Naqdalian, Hussein Turkaman


In the Qur'an, God shows his power to human beings in various ways, including the manifestation of God's power in the verses can be clearly seen in the words "Tawaffī", "Mawt" and "Rajʽa". Some think "Tawaffī" and "Mawt" are the same; while there are differences and wisdoms between them. The present article examines the concept of "Tawaffī", "Mawt" and "Rajʽa" and answers the doubts about Rajʽa. The method of collecting materials in this research is library and their processing method is descriptive-analytical. After examination, it was found that one of the manifestations of the divine power is sleep, which is considered "incomplete Mawt" (i.e. incomplete death) and is sometimes referred to as "Tawaffī" because the soul is the guardian of the material body and in sleep the relationship between the soul and the body is not completely disconnected, but this connection is minimized. Another manifestation of divine power is in the return of the dead to the world, which is the Qur'anic evidence for its occurrence in the world. Of course prove of Rajʽa (i.e. the return of the dead to this world) is sometimes explicit or inexplicit, like a return of “a gigantic beast to the earth” which Fakhr Rāzī cannot deny it and he accepts it.


Tawaffī; Mawt; Rajʽa

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i10.3022


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