The Effect of Corporate Strategy, Organizational Citizenship Behavior and Compensation on Organizational Culture and Company Performance (Study in Forestry SOE: Perum Perhutani)
This study aims to analyze and determine the effect of each variable on corporate strategy, organizational citizenship behavior and compensation on organizational culture and company performance in Forestry SOE: Perum Perhutani. The analytical instrument of this research is SEM (Structural Equation Modeling) through AMOS v.22 software which emphasized structural equation testing and model testing. The results of hypothesis testing from the model shows that: First, corporate strategy has a positive and significant effect on company performance. Second, organizational citizenship behavior has a positive and significant effect on company performance. Third, compensation has a positive and significant effect on company performance. Fourth, organizational culture has a positive and significant effect on company performance. Fifth, corporate strategy has a positive and significant effect on organizational culture. Sixth, organizational citizenship behavior has a positive and significant effect on organizational culture. Seventh, compensation has a positive and significant effect on organizational culture. In addition, the indirect effect test through the Sobel Test finds that organizational culture is able to intervene the effect of corporate strategy, organizational citizenship behavior and compensation on company performance.
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