Analysis of the Center Point of Indonesia (CPI) Reclamation Policy of Makassar City in the Environmental Political Perspective

Suhardi Suhardi


The purpose of this study is to analyze the impacts that arise from the CPI reclamation, viewed from the perspective of environmental politics. From an environmental perspective, the reclamation policy does not have a good impact according to its essence and purpose, it actually increases disaster risk for Makassar City, especially coastal areas, both land and sea. This research was conducted qualitatively in a case study of the CPI reclamation, by conducting in-depth interviews and field observations as well as extracting the necessary data from related sources. The CPI reclamation has attracted the attention of a number of NGOs that have formed an alliance to demand that the reclamation be stopped because it has damaged the surrounding environment and has caused economic and material harm to coastal communities. Fishermen and shellfish seekers totaling 43 heads of families who inhabit a land area of approximately 10 hectares, were evicted by the Southern Provincial Government for the construction of CPI reclamation. The sustainability of the CPI reclamation project is still reaping the pros and cons until now, especially the negative impacts that are generated are not only socio-economic problems but also have an impact on the environment. The reclamation policy actually has a negative impact on the environment, contrary to the essence of the policy itself which should bring goodness to life.


Policy; CPI Reclamation; Environmental Politics

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