Dance Ranup Lampuan: Exploration Genius Aceh Movement and Expression Female Body Beauty Values in Culture Peumulia Jamee

Chaerol Riezal, Hermanu Joebagio, Susanto Susanto


Dance Ranup Lampuan is a very popular art of dance in Aceh. This dance exists in every welcoming guests, ceremonies, cultural events, and arrive at a formal event Aceh administration. This article answered about the genius of the woman's body movements in Aceh and expression of beauty in cultural values Peumulia Jamee dance Ranup Lampuan. With a soft and agile movement, dance Ranup Lampuan tells about women in Aceh who are preparing the betel for entertaining guests. Starting from picking and wiping betel, put lime and gambier, wrapping up the betel organize into place named puan or ceurana. After betel has been prepared, the dancers in dance Ranup Lampuan betel deliver to the invited guests. The purpose of it all is to welcome and praise guests or in the Acehnese language is referred to as Peumulia Jamee. The story is played in the Acehnese dance, in the lift pass culture Jamee Peumulia that is the tradition Acehnese people who like to eat and glorify guests with betel. Every movements in dance Ranup Lampuan has its own philosophical meaning. Acehnese woman's body that is synonymous with weak and soft, as well as in demand to cling to their cultural values. In this case, the woman Aceh has an important position as a support pillar dance Ranup Lampuan and culture Peumulia Jamee Aceh. Dance Ranup Lampuan represetasi women is a manifestation of Aceh and cultural values Peumulia Jamee, as a form of expression of ideas, ideas, understanding and confidence in social and cultural life of the people of Aceh, as a reflection of religious and cultural values in tridisi welcoming guests. Through dance Ranup Lampuan this, the women of Aceh were able to show the genius of his movement and to express beauty in cultural values Peumulia Jamee Aceh.


Exploration; Female Body Aceh Movement; Expression Values Beauty; dance Ranup Lampuan; Culture Peumulia Jamee

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