Improving Student Career Maturity through Peer Group Counseling
Indonesia is currently experiencing the industrial revolution 4.0 era, which is associated with the use of the internet and computer technology. There are still some changes associated with this era, which led to the need for quality human resources, such as educational institutions, especially universities. However, there some students are still unable to understand their career orientation, which led to the initiation of peer group counseling. Therefore, this study aims to determine the effectiveness of peer group counseling to increase student career maturity. The experimental one-group pretest-posttest design comprising 74 psychology study program students of class 2017 was used to carry out this research. Data were collected through a career maturity scale with a reliability value of 0.903. The data collected were analyzed using a paired t-test sample with the help of JASP. The results showed that peer group counseling has the ability to increase the career maturity of final-year students.
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