The Role of Intellectual Capital on Competitive Advantage
With the appropriation of the Lisbon Agenda and its significant goal, in particular that the EU would turn into the most powerful and serious information-based economy on the planet, it turned out to be clear the Small and Medium Enterprises (SME's) are the particularly influenced by these plans, since they speak to the main thrust for the European economy (Abdullah & Othman2, 2016). In this setting of making and keeping up an upper hand for the SME's, it is essential for them to utilize the scholarly capital of their workers, in an effective and capable way, to build their potential for development. The point of this article is to show, through a unique argumentation, in view of the investigation of specific writing, the significant job that scholarly capital plays in the area of SME's to acquire a genuine and feasible upper hand. The examination depends on the basic critical review of literature based on intellectual capital, upper hand, business execution, development, and learning society. The examination conceptualizes the system of scholarly capital and considers the job of development as an interceding variable and learning as a directing element. The reasonable idea of the investigation is the fundamental constraint.
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