Investigation of the Causes of Violations of the Radioactive Balance between Radionuclides of the Uranium Decay Chain
Throughout the literature, it is mentioned that 15 radionuclides in the uranium decay chain have a constant radioactive equilibrium. Theoretical calculations give the value of the activity of each radionuclide in the uranium decay chain.This article examines various factors that affect the coefficient of radioactive equilibrium between radionuclides in the uranium decay chainThe concept of the coefficient of violations of nuclear equilibrium between radionuclides is adopted to determine the degree of violations in the uranium decay chain.Many nuclear-physical factors influence the radioactive balance between radionuclides. The most important of them is the recoil energy that the daughter nucleus receives when splitting from the mother nucleus.Another critical factor in the violation of the radioactive balance between radionuclides is the technological factor: leaching (acid, mini-reagent, bicarbonate, etc.) when leaching uranium by underground leaching of uranium.In addition, as a theoretical result of the study, the article presents a graphical relationship between the number of nuclear masses and the recoil energy of radionuclides in the uranium decay chain.
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