Vizualitation of Portuguese Relics in Flores of Local Historical Learning

Maria Florentina Terry, Sunardi Sunardi, Akhmad Arif Musadad


The past only leaves traces of the heritage, these traces are important components that should not be ignored in order to reconstruct the past itself. Visualization of historical relics around students as a learning resource in local historical learning can create an active and fun learning environment. This study aims to describes the planning, implementation of the learning process, until the evaluation of local historical learning through visualization of Portuguese relics in Flores which is made by local historical lecturer of Flores University. Based on the result of  research, it can be concluded that visualization in the form of learning videos is very appropriate to be used as an alternative in packing material that is difficult to reach by the method of tour / learning tour that is learning method by inviting learners to visit learning source in the form of objects or objects to expand knowledge, but it must be designed with both in order not to interfere with student concentration. The success rate of student learning can be measured through the evaluation result used by the lecturer in the form of assessment rubric. From the assesment analysis , the students know that the students get satisfactory value.


Portuguese Heritage; Visualization; Local History

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