Islamic Sharia and New Normal Covid-19 in the Sense of Political Communication in West Sumatra

Salman Assahary, Nilda Efelmi, Sarbaitinil Sarbaitinil


Islamic sharia in the form of Islamic lifestyle terminology in political communication by MUI Sumatera Barat is opposite to the new normal terminology of the central government.This is a dilemma for people in West Sumatra. This study aims to know the model of political communication conducted by the MUI of West Sumatra and the central government related to the handling of the Covid-19 pandemic. Furthermore, the study was designed to search for the supporting factors and inhibitors as well as the response of the community in West Sumatra.Qualitative research methods are used in this study with a descriptive case study approach. Primary data collection techniques are carried out with interviews and observations. Meanwhile, secondary data is obtained through literature studies conducted on a variety of relevant reading sources according to the topic of research.The results showed that the model of political communication conducted by MUI of West Sumatra in addressing the new normal terminology of the central government is an interactional model by integrating Islamic values and customs. Meanwhile, the communication model of the central government is a model of the effect hierarchy that teaches knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors by learning, feeling, and doing.The supporting factors of MUI terminology in West Sumatra are Islamic community organizations and Minangkabau indigenous communities and supporters of central government terminology of all elements of nationalist society.Factors inhibiting MUI terminology have not yet applied Islamic qanun sharia in West Sumatra while socialization from the central government is considered to be minimal. Some people respond to Islamic lifestyle terminology but some respond to the new normal terminology Covid-19 from the central government.


Islamic Sharia; New Normal; Political Communication; Mui; West Sumatra

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