Influence of Trust, Subjective Norm,and Perceived Usefulness on the Intention of Using Contraceptives with Education Level as Moderation Variables
This study aims to analyze and know the significance of the influence of trust variables, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Usefulness on the Intention of Using Contraceptives, as well as to know the role of Education Level in moderating the relationship of Trust, Subjective Norm, and Perceived Usefulness to the Intention of Using Contraceptives in Mataram City. The type of research used is causal research. The population in this study is a Childbearing Age Couple who have not used contraceptives in Mataram City. The number of samples taken as many as 380 people, determination of samples with purposive sampling techniques, and data analysis using SEM-PLS (Structural Equation Model – Partial Least Square) analysis with SmartPLS version 2.0 application. The results showed that: Perceived Usefulness became the dominant aspect that influenced the intention of using contraceptives followed by Subjective Norm and Trust. Education Level moderates Trust and Perceived Usefulness.
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