Halal Tourism Marketing Strategy Based on Delta Model to Increase Millennial Tourist Interest in Lombok Island

Sintiar Rahmaningsih, Hermanto Hermanto, Handry Sudiartha Athar


This study is intended to analyze and know the significance of the impact of delta strategy halal tourism marketing model on the increasing interest of millennial tourists on the island of Lombok. The population of this explanatory research type is millennial tourists who enjoy halal tourism packages on the island of Lombok which is not known for sure. In data collection, this study uses survey method by determining the sample using nonprobability sampling, which is then limited by various criteria of respondents (purposive sampling). The questionnaire was distributed online and obtained by 182 respondents who participated in the study. The collected data is processed using Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) test with the help of AMOS 20.0 program. Based on the results of data processing using SEM, it was found that: (1) Best Product Strategy-Delta Model has a positive and significant effect on the interests of millennial tourists on the island of Lombok; (2) Total Customer Solutions-Delta Model positively and significantly affects the interest of millennial travelers in Lombok Island; and (3) System Lock-In-Delta Model positively and significantly affects the interest of millennial tourists on the island of Lombok


Delta Model; Best Product Strategy; Total Customer Solutions; System Lock-In and Millennial Travelers

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i8.2843


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