Experimental Technique for Measuring Electrical, Thermoelectric and Galvano-Magnetic Properties of Films n-PbTe
The results of investigation of thermoelectric and Galvano-magnetic properties of n-PbTe films are presented. As a charge, we used crushed n-PbTe crystals obtained by zone recrystallization of PbJ_2. An increase in Tc leads to a continuous increase in the thermoelectric power factor α^2 σ (TPF) of n-PbTe films, at Tc = (630±10) К the films have a maximum value α^2 σ. The results show that there is an unambiguous correlation between the structural perfections of n-PbTe and their thermoelectric properties: the most perfect structure and the highest TPF are provided in a narrow range of condensation temperatures Tc = (620-640) К. It is shown that the dependences of α^2 σ, conductivity and Hall electron concentrations on Tc have a narrow maximum near 620 K. The results obtained show that the n-PbTe films obtained at Tc = (620) К have the most stable thermoelectric properties, operation of n-PbTe films, for example, as n-legs in thermal converters, below 400K.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i6.2816
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