Once Upon A Time When Covid Greets New Students

Adimas Maditra Permana, Andre Rahmanto, Prahastiwi Utari


There have been many major changes that have occurred in several aspects of life since 2020 after the outbreak of the Covid-19 Virus around the world. In Indonesia, one of these changes is related to the education aspect. The change in the education system to online learning has a certain impact on the components in it. This research, which uses a qualitative descriptive method, attempts to describe how the 2020/2021 class students build relationships with fellow students during the Covid-19 pandemic lecture period with all its limitations, and what motives underline this. According to the results of structured interviews conducted with respondents from one of the private universities in Solo City, it was found that there are several ways of communicating to build relationships and there are several variations of the motives that underlie these students in communicating to build relationships with fellow students.


Covid-19, Pandemic, Education, Communication, Relationships

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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i6.2809


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