The Techniques of Qualitative Data Collection in Mapping Indonesian Litterateurs in East Java: An Initial Design

Anas Ahmadi, Darni Darni, Bambang Yulianto


This article is a synthesis of research related to litterateurs mapping in East Java. Therefore, this research aimed to explore the data collection techniques of the litterateurs in East Java. This research adopted a qualitative method since the researcher explained the data empirically. The researcher used four techniques in collecting the data, such as (1) using a direct interview with the litterateurs; (2) using database Sijati (East Java literature and litterateurs Information System); (3) using a database from the internet; and (4) using the snowball technique. The result of the research exposed that those four techniques have weaknesses such as direct interview was ineffectiveness during the pandemic, Sijati was not optimal to use for old age litterateurs, database from internet tended to be general, and snowball technique was subjective.  


Indonesian Literature; East Java Literature; Data Collection Techniques; Mapping

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