Incorporating of Substitution on Ramadhan Fasting
Fasting according to the Arabic is Saumu, which means according to the language is to refrain from everything, such as refraining from eating, drinking, speaking unhelpful and so on. According to islamic terms fasting means refraining from something that breaks the fast, one day long, starting from dawn until sunset with the intention and some conditions. Ramadan fasting is fasting which is carried out for a whole month in the month of Ramadan. The law of Ramadan fasting is obligatory 'ain (fardhu ain) for every Muslim who is a Muslim. The basis for this obligatory Ramadan fasting is al-Qur'an and al-hadith. In carrying out Ramadan fasting for a whole month, sometimes there are excuse that hinders its implementation, so that we are unable or unable to do it, such as illness and traveler, but the obligation of fasting does not disappear due to this excuse. Therefore, Allah SWT, gave rukhsah or relief not to fast and replace it or give it on another day outside the month of Ramadan. Some Muslims do not know the laws regarding the qadha of fasting, so they play with the qadha of fasting. Likewise, they do not know the obligations that arise from postponed the qadha on the fast of Ramadan, namely, changing the fast after the qadha period has expired or the next Ramadan has come. This is the subject of this paper. Of course, in this paper there are still various shortcomings that require improvement and refinement.
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