Teaching Factory-Based Learning Management in-State Vocational High School 4 Mataram
The purpose of this study is to analyze the planning, implementation, supporting factors, and inhibition of the successful implementation of teaching factory learning (TEFA) in State Vocational High School 4 Mataram. This study uses a qualitative approach descriptive method with the case study. Data collection techniques through observation, interview, documentation. Data analysis is conducted with data reduction measures, data presentation, and conclusion drawing, as well as checking the validity of data using credibility, transferability, dependability, and affirmability. The results showed: 1) teaching factory-based learning planning following applicable rules and procedures ranging from preparation, needs analysis, decision making, program planning, and fulfillment of teamwork program plans; 2) the implementation of TEFA-based learning is carried out with two patterns, namely: a) teaching factory learning in the school environment; b) TEFA learning in an industrial environment; (3) supporting factors; a) good partnership with IDUKA, Professional Association, LSP P-1, and stakeholders, b) curriculum meets SKKNI and based on local wisdom, c) the level of teaching factory learning is at level 4 (PBET) with rotation system, and e) professionally certified teachers; 4) inhibitory factors: a) have not implemented block system schedule; b) the number of teachers is still limited; c) insufficient silverware space and equipment; d) no technopark yet.
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DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.18415/ijmmu.v8i7.2793
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