Strategy for Improving the Economy of Indonesian Betor (Motorized Pedicab) for Living
This research aimed to analyse the strategy for improving the economy of the Indonesian motorized pedicab (Betor) riders in facing the online transportation of the company CV. Bestari Transport Kota Medan. This is a descriptive research using the qualitative approach. Based on the research results, the economic impact in the midst of online transportation towards the betor of the Pedicab Members of the CV. Bestari Transport Kota Medan showed that the income of the pedicab riders had changed after the online transportation operated. Prior to online transportation, the income of the pedicab riders could fulfil their daily needs; in fact, the pedicab riders themselves could save part of their income (savings) which was, in a nominal value, approximately Rp.100,000 a day. However, after the existence of online transportation, the income of the pedicab riders had decreased dramatically, in which the nominal earned was only enough to meet daily needs, and it was even considered insufficient: with the nominal of Rp.30,000 a day; yet even lower. For this reason, three strategies for surviving were applied in order to continue for earning for living as well as fulfilling the basic needs of the pedicab riders’ families, namely the active, passive, and network strategies.
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