Economic Valuation Relationship in Ecological Discourses

Yordan Elang Mulya Lesmana, Rehnalemken Ginting, Sulistyanta Sulistyanta


Economic valuation that is constellation into AMDAL (as a EIAs) must contain three principles including: considering dialectical economic, environmental and social interests. This study was carried out utilizing a normative juridical research technique, the author use document study approaches to collect the data required for the study. The result is that human behavior that does not respect life and life presents the view that nature exists to be exploited for the greatest possible prosperity of humans. Sen's criticism of (i) respect for money as an episteme, (ii) justifies the means to achieve goals, (iii) loss of respect for the natural environment, (iv) has the opportunity to open a permissive attitude towards corruption. Sen's criticism provides a clear picture of economic valuation must be based on ethics.


Economic Valuation; AMDAL; Environment

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