The Role of Youth in the Utilization of Halal Tourism-Based Ecotourism Destinations in Mount Prabu

Lalu Ardan Hadinata, Akhmad Saufi, Handry Sudiartha Athar


Tourism development should provide space for young people to actively participate in managing nature as a sharia-based tourist destination to support sustainability. The purpose of this research is to identify and analyze the role of youth in the utilization of prabu mountain forest area to become an ecotourism destination based on halal tourism. This research was conducted in Prabu Mountain Village Prabu District Pujut Central Lombok Regency. The research method used is a method of qualitaitf research using content analysis. Data collection is conducted by observation, documentation and in-depth interviews with youth ecotourism destination managers who are members of Pokdarwis Prabu Indah, the Community of Prabu Youth Front and Bangkang Bersatu Youth. The results of this study show that there is an important role of youth in managing and utilizing the forest area of Mount Prabu into halal ecotourism destinations such as: 1) Moral Strength. 2) Social Control. 3) Change Agent


Youth Role; Forest Utilization; Ecotourism; TWA Tanjung Tampa; Halal Tourism

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