The Application of Psychology in Educational Games Based on Multiple Intelligences Related to Its Role in School Maturity
The purpose of this study was to determine the application of psychology in educational games based on multiple intelligences related to its role in school maturity. The research hypothesis is that "There is a difference between groups of school maturity who got educative game based on multiple intelligences with a group that did not educative game based on multiple intelligences. The group that was given educative game based on multiple intelligences increased school maturity higher than the control group". The population in this study were 293 students. Based on purposive sampling method, there were 30 students as samples in the research. Measurements were performed using Nijmeegse Schoolbekwaamheids Test (NST). By using the technique of paired samples t test analysis through SPSS, the results obtained in the experimental group, t count <t table (-16.313 <-1.761) and the results of significance of 0.000. It showed difference in school maturity among students. Means with the educative game based on multiple intelligences increased the school maturity. And this was proved with greater mean on experimental group, which is 132.6667. While the control group mean only 90.5333. It shows that the results of the experimental group are better than the control group.
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