The Development of Monopoly Characters in Science Learning Materials with Environmental Inspections of Human Images to Improve Science Learning Results in Grade V SD
This study aims to develop the character monopoly game in science learning with environmental insight into digestive organ material into a suitable learning medium for use in the science learning process so that the monopoly on the environmentally sound character in digestive organ material can be used to improve science learning outcomes for fifth-grade elementary school students. This research uses research and development methods or more commonly known as research and development. The data collection techniques used by researchers in developing the Monopoly Character game media in science content in grade V elementary schools are using questionnaires, observations, interviews, and tests. The results of this study are the environmentally sound character Monopoly game media that can improve science learning outcomes in grade V elementary schools. The average percentage result of the assessment of material experts, media experts, and linguists on the environmentally sound character monopoly game reaches 90%. The one-to-one questionnaire evaluation results obtained were 98%. The results of the evaluation of the small group questionnaire were 97%. The game of environmentally sound character monopoly in science learning human digestive organ material is also carried out pretest before using game products and posttest at the time after learning to use the product. The result of the average score of the pretest during the one-to-one evaluation was 66, while the post-test during the one-to-one evaluation was 79. The result of the average score of the pretest at the time of the small group evaluation was 62, while the small group at the time of the one-to-one evaluation was 82. However, the field test, which must involve a large number of respondents, was not carried out by researchers due to the imposition of restrictions on community activities (PPKM). The imposition of restrictions on community activities is carried out because of the covid-19 virus. PPKM aims to reduce the spread of the covid-19 virus. Therefore, researchers limit this research to be implemented in one-to-one and small groups only.
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