Associated Fungal Infections, Related to the Global Covid-19 Pandemic (Literature Review)
The 2019 coronavirus disease (COVID-19), caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), has swept the globe. Based on a retrospective analysis of SARS and influenza data from China and around the world, we suggest that fungal co-infections associated with global COVID-19 may be missed or misdiagnosed. Although there are few publications, patients with COVID-19, especially severely ill or immunocompromised patients, are more likely to develop invasive mycoses. Aspergillus and Candida infections in patients with COVID-19 will require early detection by comprehensive diagnostic intervention (histopathology, direct microscopy, culture, (Arabian: 2004, Tilavberdiev: 2016) -β-D-glucan, galactomannan, and PCR assays) to ensure effective treatment. We consider it appropriate to assess risk factors, types of invasive mycoses, strengths and weaknesses of diagnostic methods, clinical conditions, and the need for standard or individual treatment.
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