Social Assistant Communication Strategy in Family Capacity Building Meeting (Pertemuan Peningkatan Kemampuan Keluarga (P2K2)) Family Hope Program (Program Keluarga Harapan (PKH)) in Toba Regency
The aim of this study is to know the communication strategy applied by the Social Assistants in P2K2 PKH in Toba Regency. P2K2 participants with a low educational background and their socio-cultural context require the right approach. The research was used a qualitative approach with descriptive methods. Collecting data use interview techniques, observation and documentation. The research subjects were Social Assistants, PKH Coordinator and P2K2 participants in Toba Regency. The criteria for informants from the Social Assistants were experienced in implementing P2K2. Meanwhile, the criteria for informants from KPM were participants who were still active as recipients of PKH assistant and attended P2K2 every month. The results showed that the Social Assistants in Toba Regency delivered material by considering the educational, social and cultural backgrounds of the participants. The communication strategies applied by the Social Assistants in P2K2 were: 1) delivering material by combining Indonesian and regional languages; 2) delivering material in simple language; 3) terms in the module that are considered difficult was explained in easy way to understand; 4) dealing with P2K2 participants as their own parents. P2K2 administering institutions need to improve the competences of Social Assistants, especially in the aspect of communication through education and training. In addition, the preparation of modules, smart books, brochures, posters, films and other learning media needs to develop by considering the educational background and the socio-cultural context of KPM.
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