Pragmalinguistic Concepts of the Phenomenon of Speech Behavior and Speech Discourse
To determine the main content of the phenomenon of human speech behaviour, substantiate the conceptual and terminological apparatus of the study and identify differences in the representation of speech behaviour from the standpoint of different linguistic trends; to define mental structures - modules, with the help of which it is possible to simulate the speech behaviour; to describe the role of such extra-linguistic phenomena as illocution, image/face, motives, emotions and individual psychological features of personality in the linguopragmatic paradigm of speech behaviour; describe speech behaviour as a system of communicative strategies. A pragmatic analysis (the study of goals, intentions, communicative actions, peculiarities of speech interaction of interactants in various communicative situations); discourse analysis (consideration of the act of communication in connection with its form, function, situational and socio-cultural conditionality; linguistic modelling(in singling outmodes and models of speech behaviour); analysis and synthesis, generalization and extrapolation of the obtained conclusions to a wider range of phenomena, contextual, communicative and sociolinguistic analysis of the text. The study of speech behaviour from the position of linguopragmatics allowed to deeper comprehend not only the structure of interaction between interactants but also the mechanisms of realization of their intentions in the process of communication. The study of speech behaviour from the positions of linguopragmatics allowed to deeper comprehend not only the structure of interaction between interactants but also the mechanisms of realization of their intentions in the process of communication. In the future, the results of the study can be used in cross-cultural studies to identify the features of communicative consciousness and related speech behaviour of representatives of the Uzbek and Russian linguocultural community.
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