Perception of School Heads in the Implementation of Strengthening Humanis-based Character Education

Syarif Abdullah, Erry Utomo, Wirda Hanim


This study aims to find out the perceptions of school principals related to the implementation of humanist-based PPK in SDN 39 Ternate City. This type of research is qualitative research and the respondents in this study were the principal of SDN 39 Kota Ternate. Data collection techniques using questionnaires and in-depth interviews. While data analysis used data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The implementation of the Humanist-based Strengthening Character Education (PPK) has been carried out in SDN 39 Ternate City. From the data obtained, the inculcation of character values in the classroom and student-centered learning has not been implemented properly. Refraction has been carried out at school such as the teacher picks up students, spreads 5S reading short letters in the Koran, chants Asmaul Husna, pats PPK, greetings PPK, and applauds enthusiasm. For cooperation with the community/parents. The community plays its role every time they report to the school when there are students who come home from school and have not yet arrived home and are still hanging around in the alleys and or want to do things that can upset the community. As for parents, the school builds communication with parents and informs about things that need to be improved jointly between parents and teachers. So teachers and parents continue to build intense communication to ensure this humanist-based KDP can run with and benefit from it.


Perception; Character Education; Humanist

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