Criteria for Classification of Economic Security Indicators

Karimov Narboy, Khamidova Faridakhon, Saydullaev Shakhzod


In modern conditions, the importance of ensuring national economic security is increasing due to the increasing multivariance and alternativeness of goal-setting and ways to achieve goals. One cannot give preference to one or another option for forecasting economic development, making investments, forming the country’s budget without assessing their socio-economic consequences in the form of criteria and indicators of security. In this paper, it is proposed to systematize indicators of economic security according to several criteria. The development of a classification of objects, phenomena and systems of real life is a very complex procedure, especially when it comes to economic security at various levels of management. However, this task remains very relevant to this day, since the analysis, forecasting and management of economic systems are practically impossible without a clear understanding of their structure. This paper considers the main criteria (indicators) of economic security and options for their definition, as well as examples for all criteria.


Generalized Indexes; Classification of Indicators; Endogenous and Exogenous Indicators; Sampling Frequency; Threshold Values of Indicators

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