The Concept of “Martabat Tujuh” Al-Burhanpuri (Study of the Creation of the Universe in the Perspective of Philosophical Sufism)

Fadli Rahman, Ahmad Dakhoir


When discussing the creation of the universe, the discussion will never be separated from the three objects of philosophical study, namely God as the creator, man and the universe as the created object, and at the same time being the object undergoing the process of creation. God, humans and the universe, are three objects that are always interesting to discuss. The manifestation of the existence of the three becomes a perennial study. For philosophers, these three problems become “fertile” areas of thought in the framework of developing true knowledge (correct knowledge) about these three problems. In the realm of Islamic thought, these three objects have always received major attention among Muslim philosophers, including the Sufis. Even in the context of Sufism (Sufism), these three objects become eternal discussions, especially at the level of Sufism which has philosophical nuances, or commonly known as “Falsafi Sufism”. At this level, the concept of “Martabat Tujuh”, a concept that talks about the creation of al-Buhanpuri’s version of the universe, is tried to be presented.


Martabat Tujuh; Universe Creation; Philosophical Sufism

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