Antecedents of Motivation and Employee Performance in Samarinda's Class IIA Women's Correctional Institutions
This study aims to understand and analyze the impact of organizational learning, work environment, education and training, and work motivation on the performance of employees at The Women's Correctional Institutions Class IIA in Samarinda. The author's data analysis method is the Structural Equation Model (SEM). Multivariate analysis using the Smart PLS program is used to test hypotheses. Data analysis using partial Least Squares (PLS) is carried out in two stages: To begin, evaluate the outer and measurement models. Second, evaluate the inner model, also known as the structural model. The findings revealed that organizational culture positively influences work motivation; however, organizational learning has no significant effect on work motivation. The work environment positively influences work motivation; additionally, the work environment significantly influences work motivation. Education and training positively affect work motivation; however, education and training have no significant effect on work motivation. Organizational culture positively influences employee performance; however, organizational learning does not significantly impact employee performance. The work environment positively influences employee performance; however, it can also be seen that the work environment has no significant effect on employee performance. Education and training have a negative impact on employee performance; however, education and training have no significant impact on employee performance. Work motivation has a positive influence on employee performance; additionally, work motivation significantly influences employee performance.
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